How to Repair a Laptop Hinge? – Easy and Effective Fixes

Repair a Laptop Hinge

Are you dealing with a laptop hinge that just won’t cooperate? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. As a tech expert who has repaired a plethora of devices, from high-end gaming rigs to entry-level notebooks, I’ve seen it all.

One of the most common issues I’ve encountered is a broken or loose laptop hinge. Sure, it might seem minor, but this issue can turn a blissful computing experience into a nightmare. But fret not! With a bit of patience and the right tools, you can fix it at home. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of laptop hinge repair, which, believe me, is not as complicated as it seems.

The Basics

Before we dive headfirst into the repair, it’s crucial to get a clear understanding of what we’re dealing with.

What is a Laptop Hinge?

It is a vital component that connects the base (keyboard and trackpad) to the top (screen). The hinge allows for the smooth opening and closing of the laptop, and its functionality can significantly influence your overall user experience.

Every laptop has two of them, one on each side of the screen, which are made up of several parts, including a rotational joint, mounting brackets, and several screws. Depending on your laptop’s model, the design and the build material of the hinge can vary.

Why Do They Fail?

Laptop hinges can fail for numerous reasons, such as improper usage, accidental damage, or general wear and tear over time.

  • Improper usage: Frequently opening and closing the laptop with excessive force can damage them.
  • Accidental Damage: Dropping the laptop or applying excess pressure on the lid can lead to hinge failure.
  • Wear and Tear: Like any other mechanical part, they can degrade over time, especially in laptops that are frequently used.

Identifying the Problem

Identifying Laptop Hinge problem

Once we understand the basics, the next step is to identify the problem you might have.

Types of Damage

Hinge damage typically falls into one of three categories: loose, broken, and stuck hinges. Loose ones allow the lid to move too freely, often leading to an unstable screen. Broken ones, on the other hand, may completely prevent the lid from moving or maintaining its position. Finally, stuck hinges can make it difficult to open or close the laptop lid, as they are not able to rotate freely.

Diagnosing the Issue

Diagnosing the issue involves careful observation. A hinge that’s loose will make the laptop lid wobble or not stay in the desired position. A broken one, on the other hand, can often be diagnosed by physical inspection. You may notice cracks or a complete break in the hinge structure. Stuck ones will resist movement and can often be diagnosed by trying to open and close the laptop lid.

Preparing for the Repair

Preparing Laptop for repair

Before you begin the repair process, it’s crucial to ensure you’re fully prepared.

Gathering the Necessary Tools

A typical repair requires certain tools:

  • A set of small screwdrivers (Phillips and flat-head)
  • A pry tool or a thin, flat tool to open the laptop casing
  • Super glue (in case of broken hinges)
  • Lubricant like WD-40 (for stuck hinges)
  • A clean, flat workspace

Safety Precautions

Before starting any repair, it’s crucial to take some safety measures.

  • Always power off the laptop and disconnect it from the power source.
  • Remove the battery if it’s accessible and detachable.
  • Keep a container to hold the tiny screws to prevent them from getting lost.

Executing the Repair

Executing the Repair

After understanding the issue and gathering the necessary tools, it’s time to start the repair.

Fixing a Loose Hinge

Fix for this issue often involves tightening the screws that hold the hinge in place. You’ll need to open the laptop casing, locate the hinge screws, and tighten them using a screwdriver. However, if the screws are stripped or the mounting bracket is damaged, you may need to replace the screws entirely.

Repairing a Broken Hinge

This issue is a bit more complex and often involves replacing the hinge or using super glue to fix the broken parts. Again, open the laptop casing and locate the broken piece. If it’s cracked or broken, you can try to glue the pieces together. If the damage is severe, it’s often better to replace the entire hinge.

Post-Repair Steps

Post-Repair Steps

Once the repair is completed, there are a few steps to ensure the issue is truly resolved.

Reassembling the Laptop

After the repair process, you’ll need to reassemble your laptop. This process is typically the reverse of disassembly. Replace the casing, reinsert any screws you removed, and reconnect the battery and power source. Remember to be gentle to avoid causing any new damage.

Testing the Hinge

The final step is to test the repaired part to ensure it’s working properly. Open and close the laptop lid several times to check the hinge’s operation. It should move smoothly without resistance or wobbling. If there’s still an issue, you may need to revisit the repair process.


How much does it cost to repair a laptop hinge?

The average price to repair it can range anywhere from $25 to $300, depending on age, hinge complexity, internal wiring, and more.

What to do if the hinge on your laptop breaks?

If it breaks, you can try to fix it yourself using various methods, such as using super glue or gorilla glue, placing a hard object for support, or replacing the part entirely. If these methods don’t work, you may need to take it to a professional for repair.

What is a quick fix for a broken laptop hinge?

A quick fix can be using super glue or gorilla glue. These adhesives dry quickly and bond strongly, providing a temporary solution.

How do I replace a broken laptop hinge?

To replace it, you’ll first need to order a replacement hinge. Then, you’ll need to remove the broken one and install the new one. This process may require some technical knowledge and tools.

What if the plastic around my laptop hinge is broken?

If the plastic is broken, you can try to repair it using gorilla glue epoxy. If the damage is severe, you may need to replace the entire casing.

Can a broken laptop hinge cause other problems?

Yes, it can. It can put a strain on the internal wiring, potentially causing damage to the screen or other components. It can also make the laptop unstable and difficult to use.

Is it worth it to repair a laptop hinge?

Whether it’s worth it to repair depends on several factors, including the cost of the repair, the age of the laptop, and the severity of the damage. If the repair cost is high and the laptop is old, it might be more cost-effective to replace it altogether. However, if the laptop is relatively new and the repair cost is reasonable, it might be worth repairing.

Final Words

While laptop hinge repair might seem daunting, it’s entirely doable with a bit of patience and the right tools. If you’re uncomfortable performing the repair yourself, it’s always best to consult a professional. Additionally, if you’re facing keyboard issues along with the hinge problem, you might consider addressing both concerns for a comprehensive fix. However, if you’re willing to give it a try, you could save some money and gain some valuable DIY experience.